Connectivity in the service of people: Mexedia Net+'s Smart City

We create smart cities where technology and connectivity directly improve the lives of citizens. With Mexedia Net+, innovation merges with the community for a bright urban future.

The advantages for the Smart City

Enhanced urban experience

Mexedia Net+ solutions emphasize the centrality of people, optimizing mobility, reducing wait times for public services, and creating safer and more interactive urban environments. Every innovation is designed to make city life easier and more enjoyable.

Sustainability and efficiency

Smart Cities built with Mexedia Net+ promote responsible resource usage, thanks to advanced systems for monitoring and managing energy, waste, and water resources. This not only reduces the environmental impact but also leads to a significant cost reduction.

Interconnectivity and Integration

With Mexedia Net+, the various city services and infrastructures are interconnected in a seamless ecosystem. This integration promotes a swift response to citizens' needs, better urban planning, and a holistic city management, making it truly 'smart'.

Our services

  • <strong>Smart Access</strong><br>Tecnologie avanzate per l'accesso digitale tramite smartphone, riconoscimento facciale e codice QR. Smart Access
    Advanced technologies for digital access through smartphones, facial recognition, and QR code.
  • <strong>Assistenza alle persone</strong><br>Servizi integrati per aumentare la qualità della vita, l'indipendenza e la sicurezza di persone anziane o disabili e alleviare il carico dei caregiver. Assistance for individuals
    Integrated services to enhance the quality of life, independence, and security of elderly or disabled individuals, as well as alleviate the burden on caregivers.
  • <strong>Video analisi</strong><br>Software e algoritmi per analizzare in dettaglio i contenuti dei video, rilevare oggetti, movimenti e comportamenti. Video analysis
    Software and algorithms for detailed analysis of video contents, detecting objects, movements, and behaviors.

Mexedia Net+ Smart Access

Virtualize keys and make access intelligent across all your properties. With Smart Access, hotels, offices, and apartments become smart!

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